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The Wiki contains all the articles on the web site. The articles are put into categories and 'tagged' for easier searching.

The ABCs of Hepatitis

By | September 10, 2012
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The ABCs of Hepatitis What is hepatitis? What do we need to learn about it? To begin with, hepatitis is a general term for inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by several viruses. At the present time, there are hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and G. There is as yet no hepatitis…

Milk thistle extract doesn't ease liver infection

By | September 10, 2012
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snake oil

Milk thistle extract doesn’t ease liver infection NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A popular but unproven alternative therapy for liver disease may not offer any relief for those with chronic hepatitis C infection, a new study suggests. Extract from milk thistle known as silymarin is sold over-the-counter as supplements, and research has suggested as many…

Interferon treatment side effects

By | September 10, 2012
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Interferon treatment side effects A person who is about to begin treatment with interferon, will likely be concerned about its potential side effects.  This is understandable.  After all, many people with hepatitis C feel fine, so it’s perfectly normal to worry about starting a medication that may make them feel sick. Alternatively, some people with…

Increased Mortality Rates Seen in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Pre-Cirrhotic Advanced Fibrosis

By | September 9, 2012
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Increased Mortality Rates A three-year follow-up study of patients in the Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-term Treatment against Cirrhosis (HALT-C) trial revealed that increased mortality among patients with advanced chronic hepatitis C who received long-term peginterferon therapy was attributed to non-liver related causes and occurred primarily in patients with bridging fibrosis. No pattern to this excess…

Hepatitis C virus damages brain cells

By | September 9, 2012
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brain cell

Hepatitis C virus damages brain cells October 8, 2010 By Raquel Maurier A University of Alberta researcher specializing in neurological infections has discovered that the hepatitis C virus injures and inflames brain cells, resulting in neurological issues for some patients living with the disease. Until now, no one has been able to prove this. A…

Hepatitis C Survival on Inanimate Objects

By | September 9, 2012
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Hepatitis C Survival on Inanimate Objects February 14, 2012 We usually think of Hepatitis C as a virus that is passed from person to person. However, most infections occur via an intermediary, inanimate object. Thus, determining the length of time Hepatitis C can survive outside the body is crucial to prevent transmission of this virus.…

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV).

By | September 9, 2012
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hepatitis c

The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) The infection is often asymptomatic, but once established, chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years. In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure or other complications of cirrhosis, including liver cancer.…

Hepatitis C Is a Risk Factor for Heart Disease

By | September 9, 2012
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Hepatitis C Is a Risk Factor for Heart Disease February is American Heart Month. Since Hepatitis C has been proven to be a risk factor for coronary artery disease, the usual ways to reduce heart disease risk is insufficient for those with the virus. However, there are five strategies specifically for Hepatitis C that can…

Hepatitis C epidemic among youth from tattoos and piercings

By | September 9, 2012
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Hepatitis C epidemic among youth from tattoos and piercings Did you ever notice how widespread tattoos are on youth? Why do so many people want to get tattooed and pierced? It may look one way at 18, but at 50 or 70, the sagging skin with the tattoo or piercing is not going to look…

Hepatitis C Cirrhosis—NOT Necessarily a Terminal Disease

By | September 9, 2012
Posted in
terminal disease

Hepatitis C Cirrhosis—NOT Necessarily a Terminal Disease Kia Saeian MD1 and K Rajender Reddy MD, FACP2 1Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 2Center for Liver Diseases, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL Abstract This retrospective study evaluated the morbidity and survival of patients with compensated, histologically proven cirrhosis…