Posts Tagged ‘alcohol’

Symptoms of Liver Failure from Alcohol

Symptoms of Liver Failure from Alcohol If you have been involved in heavy drinking for many years, it’s high time to go through various symptoms of liver failure from alcohol so that you can be aware of your medical health, should the worst case scenario of liver failure hits you sooner or later. The largest…

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New Therapies Sought for Alcoholic Hepatitis

New Therapies Alcoholic hepatitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Severe alcohol-related liver disease carries a poor prognosis. Several research studies have worked to find a successful treatment for alcoholic hepatitis, but no consensus has been reached on the most effective treatment regimen. “Alcohol usage has long been associated with serious liver…

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How alcohol damages your liver

How alcohol damages your liver Drinking too much alcohol can have serious consequences for your health, especially your liver, which is involved with detoxification of the body after excessive alcohol intake. The controversy linked to alcohol intake has been raging for many years: on the one hand, alcohol when used in moderation, can help people…

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Diagnosis of Alcoholic Liver Disease

Diagnosis of ALD Alcoholic hepatitis is an acute or chronic illness associated with severe chronic alcoholism, involving extensive hepatocellular necrosis, inflammation, and scarring. It is extremely variable in clinical presentation and may be superimposed on other forms of alcoholic liver disease such as fatty liver and Laennec’s cirrhosis. Alcoholic liver disease may occur without any…

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Alcoholics beware — genetic variation linked to liver cirrhosis in Caucasians

Genetic Variation Linked to Liver Cirrhosis A new study by German researchers found that a variation in the PNPLA3 (adiponutrin) gene was associated with cirrhosis of the liver and elevated transaminase (liver enzyme) levels in alcoholic Caucasians. The risk of cirrhosis in alcoholics in the genetic high risk group might be as high as 25%…

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Alcoholic liver disease is more aggressive than other chronic liver diseases

ALD is Aggressive 24-Aug-2010 While diagnostic and treatment options for chronic liver disease are numerous, their effectiveness is unclear. New findings show that patients hospitalized with alcoholic liver disease have an increased mortality risk compared to patients with non-alcoholic liver disease. This indicates that alcoholic liver disease is more aggressive than other chronic liver diseases.…

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Alcoholic Liver Disease is Cureable

Alcoholic Liver Disease is Cureable The liver is an organ that is vital to the human body. Without a healthy, functioning liver the human body can only last up to 24 hours. It is responsible for detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. Liver fibrosis, liver injury or a fatty liver can…

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Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)

Alcoholic Liver Disease The liver is one of the largest and most complex organs in the body. It stores vital energy and nutrients, manufactures proteins and enzymes necessary for good health, protects the body from disease, and breaks down (or metabolizes) and helps remove harmful toxins, like alcohol, from the body. The liver is able…

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Alcoholic Liver Disease – New Article

Alcoholic Liver Disease Definition Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is injury or damage to the liver caused by chronic alcohol consumption. One of the most common causes of liver disease in the United States, ALD can manifest itself as three separate conditions and any or all of these three conditions can occur at the same time,…

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Alcoholic Liver Disease – Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis and Treatment Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a serious and potentially fatal consequence of alcohol use. The diagnosis of ALD is based on drinking history, physical signs and symptoms, and laboratory tests. Treatment strategies for ALD include lifestyle changes to reduce alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and obesity; nutrition therapy; and pharmacological therapy. The diagnosis…

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