Posts Tagged ‘fatty liver’
Exposing 5 Common Myths About Liver Disease
When conceptions about liver disease stray far from the truth, efforts to prevent, detect and treat are hampered. Affecting those from all walks of life, an increasing number of people are learning that they have liver disease. An estimated one in ten Americans is affected, yet most of us know very little about this potentially…
Read MoreHispanics at highest risk as fatty liver disease skyrockets
Hispanics at highest risk as fatty liver disease skyrockets Fatty liver disease is becoming the number one reason for liver transplants in the U. S. Liver disease numbers are skyrocketing in the United States despite amazing gains in the ability to treat hepatitis C and other chronic liver conditions, and Hispanics are among those in…
Read MoreThreat Grows From Liver Illness Tied to Obesity
Threat Grows From Liver Illness Tied to Obesity World | Anahad O’connor, The New York Times | Updated: June 14, 2014 08:15 IST Threat Grows From Liver Illness Tied to Obesity Dr Joel Lavine, chief of pediatric gastroenterology at NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital on May 22. Lavine studies fatty liver disease, a rapidly growing…
Read MoreGenetic Insight into a Fatty Liver: Visceral Fat vs. Subcutaneous Fat
Genetic Insight into a Fatty Liver: Visceral Fat vs. Subcutaneous Fat Nicole Cutler L.Ac. May 14th, 2014 Is it true that your race might determine where you store fat and, thus, may make you more or less vulnerable to fatty liver disease? Genetic Insight into a Fatty Liver Even though each person is unique, individuals…
Read MoreSnacking Associated With Abdominal Fat, Fatty Liver
Snacking Associated With Abdominal Fat, Fatty Liver (Photo : Flickr/CC) Snacking on high-fat and high-sugar foods are independently associated with abdominal fat and fatty liver (hepatic steatosis), according to a recent study. Snacking on high-fat and high-sugar foods are independently associated with abdominal fat and fatty liver (hepatic steatosis), according to a recent study. Researchers…
Read MoreFast Track Designation for Fatty Liver Disease With Advanced Fibrosis
Fast Track for Fatty Liver Disease With Advanced Fibrosis Galectin Therapeutics Receives FDA Fast Track Designation for GR-MD-02 for Fatty Liver Disease With Advanced Fibrosis NORCROSS, Ga., Aug 12, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) — Galectin Therapeutics GALT +21.72% , the leading developer of therapeutics that target galectin proteins to treat fibrosis and cancer, today…
Read MoreFatty liver disease has gone from unknown to pandemic, but does it mean anything?
Fatty liver disease has gone from unknown to pandemic, but does it mean anything? By Druin Burch |Posted Friday, Dec. 14, 2012, at 12:51 PM ET Foie gras. Foie gras—essentially fatty liver—is delicious. Is it a disease? Diseases come and diseases go—which, when you think about it, they really shouldn’t. Outside of diseases that have…
Read MoreUpdate – Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Update – Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 2nd Oct 2012 INTRODUCTION NON-ALCOHOLIC fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is frequently encountered by GPs, as well as physicians of many different specialties. NAFLD is an increasingly prevalent problem and also the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the Western world. NAFLD is part of the metabolic syndrome.…
Read MoreWhat is NASH?
Alternative names: Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, NASH, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease What is hepatitis? The word “hepatitis” comprises two elements: “-itis” at the end of the word indicates inflammation the first part comes from the organ called hepar, which means liver Hepatitis therefore means inflammation of the liver, like appendicitis means inflammation of the appendix and colitis…
Read MoreWhat is NASH and NAFL?
What is NASH and NAFL? Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL)/ Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) What is fatty liver? In fatty liver, fat accumulates in the liver cells. Simple fatty liver usually does not damage the liver, but is a condition that can be identified by taking a sample of liver tissue (liver biopsy) and examining it under…
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