Posts Tagged ‘cirrhosis’

Information about Cirrhosis, symptoms etc.

Cirrhosis Many Causes The onset of cirrhosis is often ‘silent’ with few specific symptoms…” Basic facts about the liver Your liver, the largest organ in your body, weighs about three pounds and is roughly the size of a football. It lies in the upper right side of your abdomen situated mostly under the lower ribs.…

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Budd-Chiari Syndrome Overview 2

Budd-Chiari Syndrome Overview 2 Overview Budd-Chiari (pronounced bud kee-ah-ree) syndrome is a rare liver disease – even more rare in children. It involves clotting of blood in the hepatic veins, which carry blood out of the liver. When the veins of the liver are blocked, blood is prevented from flowing out of the liver and…

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Budd-Chiari Overview

Budd-Chiari Overview Budd-Chiari syndrome is caused by blood clots that completely or partially block the large veins that carry blood from the liver (hepatic veins) into the inferior vena cava.     Some people have no symptoms, but others experience fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, and jaundice.     Fluid may accumulate in the abdomen, the spleen may…

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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol Addiction Alcohol addiction may be by far one of the hardest addictions to overcome. While alcohol addiction often starts out in a way that is very similar to any other addiction it can quickly turn into a complete physical dependency. Most addiction begins as a way for person to cope with problems and feelings…

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It Is Never Too Late To Stop Drinking

It Is Never Too Late To Stop Drinking ScienceDaily (Apr. 16, 2009) — Where there is life there is hope and it is never too late to stop drinking, even with the most severe case of alcohol-related liver disease, according to new research from the University of Southampton. However, the downside is that up a…

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Do You Use Alcohol for Stress Relief?

Alcohol for Stress Relief? Even though many people use alcohol to ease stress, there is evidence that it does just the opposite – especially when it comes to stressing the liver. by Nicole Cutler, L.Ac. Stress can be defined, experienced and handled in a countless number of ways, but most health experts agree that continual…

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How the Liver Works

How the Liver Works The liver, the second largest organ (only the skin is larger), is like a sharp-eyed bouncer guarding the red velvet rope in front of an exclusive nightclub called Your Body: It makes sure the right elements get in and the wrong eliminated. The liver enforces its stringent standards for good health…

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