Posts Tagged ‘diet’

One out of 10 American children have livers like alcoholics

One out of 10 American children have livers like alcoholics By Nadine Kalinauskas Fatty liver disease is no longer just for heavy drinkers. The Wall Street Journal reports that about 10 per cent of American children — or more than 7 million of them — have fatty liver disease, a disease that used to be…

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Ten Best Foods to Eat Frequently for a Terrific Health Kick

Ten Best Foods for a Terrific Health Kick By Dr. Mercola If optimal health is your goal, there’s no getting around your diet. Your physical health is a direct reflection of what you put into your body, and how you live your life in general. Pre-packaged processed foods may be convenient, but cooking from scratch…

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Watermelon Benefits for Hepatitis C and Liver Cirrhosis

Watermelon Benefits for Hepatitis C and Liver Cirrhosis By Karen Hoyt on July 12, 2013 Summertime is exciting for me because it is height of the fresh produce season. The warm sun promises we will have low prices and abundant nutrition in the produce aisle, or at local farmer’s markets. I’ve already had 3 watermelons…

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This age old saying has never rang with greater promise and authority than it does today. As in the modern era, doctors bring with them a battery of tests, drugs , and interventions , all of which carry unintended, adverse health risks that often outweigh their purported…

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How antioxidants work

How antioxidants work Oxygen is necessary for life, but on the other hand it inevitably generates reactive molecules throughout all the tissues of the body. These free radicals are dangerous for any cell because they can damage essential molecules such as DNA and the enzymes necessary for proper function of the cell. Antioxidants capture these…

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Love your liver with lemon water

Love your liver with lemon water Discover why there are few beverages as beneficial as lemon water when it comes to actually helping guide your liver towards better health. by Nicole Cutler, L.Ac. Because the liver is affected by everything we ingest, beating chronic liver disease requires every drink, snack or meal to be a…

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You, your diet and high triglycerides

You, your diet and high triglycerides You know what it means when your blood test results come back with your total cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) and HDL (“good”) cholesterol numbers. What about the number for triglycerides? What does it mean for your health? Often an elevated triglyceride goes hand in hand with a low HDL “good”…

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Why Whey for Hepatitis?

Why Whey for Hepatitis? July 23, 2010 The number of reasons whey protein can help someone with chronic, viral hepatitis may surprise you. by Nicole Cutler, L.Ac. Often added to milkshakes or blended drinks, whey protein can usually be found on store shelves in sections dedicated to building muscle mass. As such, whey protein has…

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Why Sugar Makes Us Sleepy (And Protein Wakes Us Up)

Why Sugar Makes Us Sleepy (And Protein Wakes Us Up) John Updike, in his short story “Plumbing,” summarized human nature thusly: “We think we are what we think and see when in truth we are upright bags of tripe.” This is a tragic fact that we spend most our lives trying to forget. Although we…

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Why Do We Like the Taste Of Protein?

Why Do We Like the Taste Of Protein? For a long time, the mechanisms of taste seemed relatively straightforward. For one thing, it’s been all about the tongue, that exposed sensory muscle lying limp in our mouth. Ever since Democritus hypothesized in the fourth century B.C. that the sensation of taste was an effect of…

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