
A. My Story

storyA. My Story

In late 2008 I was diagnosed with End Stage Liver Disease. I didn't know it at the time but Cirrhosis was and is considered untreatable and incurable by the medical profession. Here I am in 2012, still alive and kicking which should give some measure of hope to many who get diagnosed with Cirrhosis.

I have researched and learned a huge amount since my diagnosis and have been involved in and personally run support sites for those with liver disease. 

This web site is a means to convey my own personal story and to highlight particular areas of interest to those suffering from this terrible disease.

The site consists of Articles and Blogs and a Wiki. The Articles or pages are a sort of timeline of major events during the worst of my illness and the blogs are my thoughts on various aspects of this disease. The Wiki is a mass of articles gleaned from various sources.

Cirrhosis is different for everyone. There are many ways of becoming cirrhotic and many, many symptoms. What is true for one person may not be so for another. What helps one person may not help another.

Things I found that helped me may not help you!

As such, this site contains material mostly written by myself and should not be taken as being medically correct or approved.

While accepting that cirrhosis is incurable, scar tissue can never be removed, I believe much can be done to improve the treatment of it and help many people avoiding the need go anywhere near a transplant table or a grave yard.

I hope you enjoy and also possibly learn from my articles and blogs. But please remember that this is just one person's take on things out of the millions who suffer every day with this disease.

1 Comment

  1. cfed53 on July 28, 2016 at 8:42 pm

    That’s encouraging! Thank you.

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