Cirrhosis Life Expectancy
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This article is quite correct in what it states however to read it one would assume death is the only way out of it. Not so. Transplant is always an option but more importantly, many people can get cirrhosis managed and under control and live for many years without resorting to transplant. We have many members on this site who have shown amazing recovery of their liver function though the use of simple vitamins, minerals and correct diet. This is not rocket science. However, the medical profession remains largely ignorant of how to treat cirrhosis and unfortunately many people do die because of lack of basic inexpensive care.
Liver function can be improved, regardless of the cause of the cirrhosis, by correctly managing the symptoms of the disease and ensuring the liver is fed the nutrition it needs to regenerate.
It is possible to survive cirrhosis â it is not the automatic death sentence this article would have you believe.
Cirrhosis causes irreversible damage to the liver.
Cirrhosis life expectancy is greatly determined by the extent of damage to the liver.
Cirrhosis is the twelfth leading cause of death in the United States. Liver cirrhosis is scarring and inflammation of liver, which eventually brings the liver function to standstill. Although, there are a number of causes that contribute to cirrhosis, long term alcohol abuse and hepatitis B and hepatitis C are the most common causes of cirrhosis.
Human liver has the capacity to repair itself, if the damage inflicted is minor. But, the damaged caused due to this disease is severe and often irreparable. Cirrhosis life expectancy is calculated by assessing the amount of damage to the liver. More on cirrhosis of the liver.
Life Expectancy for Cirrhosis
As mentioned above, a healthy liver can repair a small amount of damage, without affecting the life span of the person. However, in cases of cirrhosis the damage is so much that there are not enough antioxidants left to fight the free radicals. As a result, scar tissue begins to form on the liver, which inhibits the liver from functioning normally. The problem with cirrhosis is that this disease is mostly asymptomatic, meaning, the person may not experience any symptoms until the disease progresses to the worst stage. In rare cases, symptoms such as loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, easy bruising or bleeding may be present. Cirrhosis is mostly reported during the test for some other disorder. If you get yourself examined yearly or better half yearly, then your chances of detecting an early cirrhosis are bright. Likewise, your chances of getting a better treatment also improve. More on liver cirrhosis symptoms.
Cirrhosis is often categorized in three types, as per the Child-Pugh scale. The mortality of the patient is determined depending upon this score. In this method, the condition of patientâs liver is assessed against the condition of liver of other cirrhosis patients. A relative assessment is made and a specific score indicating the severity of damage is assigned to the patient. Depending upon this score, the patient is classified as class A, class B and class C cirrhosis patient. Class A offers the best prognosis for cirrhosis patients with a life expectancy about 15 to 20 years. Class B is still good with a life expectancy of about 6 to 10 years. Thus, there is an ample time for these patients to seek advanced treatment options such as liver transplant. Class C patients have a worst prognosis with a cirrhosis life span of about 1 to 3 years. More on liver cirrhosis stages.
Alcohol and Nutrition
Although, abstinence from alcohol and proper nutrition cannot reverse the condition of liver, they can certainly impede the advancement of the disease. This can increase your life span considerably. However, if you continue drinking heavily, you are likely to shorten your life span drastically.
Class A and class B patients (Child Pugh) have a bright chance of improving their life span by exploiting various treatment options. Unfortunately, many class A and B patients progress to class B in a short time. This is because conditions like ascites, gastrointestinal bleeding and encephalopathy severely affect the liver and worsen its condition. Certain infections and diseases that need surgery may also aggravate the condition of the liver. More on liver cirrhosis treatment.
As mentioned above, if you are a class C patient your treatment options are limited. You should immediately stop drinking alcohol and lead a healthy lifestyle to improve your survival chances. A liver transplant can be arranged with the guidance of your doctor.
Class A and B patients can cure the aforementioned liver disorders with the help of certain medications. They should then continue to care for their liver by controlling their diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Thus, cirrhosis life expectancy greatly depends upon the condition of your liver at the time of diagnosis.
Getting yourself checked routinely can improve your chances of early diagnosis.
By Florentyna K Published: 5/21/2010 |
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HI my brother is 53 years old and just now diagnosed with stage 4 liver cirrhosis and I am trying to see if I am a match for a parsual liver transplant,cann’t afford the surgery, I was wondering if there is a program that would fund this prosessure,and what could he do to slow down this issue or even try to heal the liver thanks for your supportand help.
Juan A Rodriquez