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9 things that can happen – when you give up sugar

9 things that can happen to your body when you give up sugar From your skin to your weight, your mental health and more, cutting out sugar can lead to some big improvements. Sugar will give you soaring highs, but it’ll make you pay with crashing lows afterwards. And we’ve never been more aware of…

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Long-term obeticholic acid treatment

Long-term obeticholic acid treatment leads to reversal or stabilization of fibrosis/cirrhosis in patients with PBC European Association For The Study Of The Liver 13 April 2018, Paris, France: The first results from the POISE biopsy sub-study have today confirmed that long-term treatment with obeticholic acid (OCA) leads to the reversal or stabilization of fibrosis/cirrhosis in…

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Thanksgiving – Which of these recipes is harmful to your liver?

  Thanksgiving is the ultimate food holiday, characterized by families gathering together to indulge in a culinary feast. Aside from turkey, one of the most traditional Thanksgiving dishes is the much-loved green bean casserole. Unfortunately, a classic green bean casserole hardly resembles a healthful veggie recipe. For those with Hepatitis C, a green bean casserole…

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5 Rules of The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

5 Rules of The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Hepatitis literally translates to liver inflammation. Find out how you can help manage Hepatitis C by adhering to the five principles of the anti-inflammatory diet. If you are one of the estimated three and a half million Americans with the Hepatitis C virus, your liver is the setting of…

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Needle Exchange for Halting New Hep C Infections

Needle Exchange for Halting New Hep C Infections Learn why there is an increasing number of new Hepatitis C infections, and what public health experts suggest to tackle this problem.  Harm reduction programs do not condone or stop intravenous drug use, but they are proven routes for preventing infections spread through needle sharing. In…

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Positive Health Wellness

  I am very pleased to be asked to link our site to Positive Health Wellness. Positive Health Wellness is: This site is for those of us who look for the information they need to live a more positive, healthier and happier life. Whether you’re seeking healthy eating options, belly fat problems, trying to stick…

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Gallstones Overview Gallstones can lurk inside your gallbladder. Many people have gallstones and never know it. Gallstones are hard deposits in your gallbladder, a small organ that stores bile, which is a digestive fluid made in the liver. Gallstones may consist of cholesterol, salt, or bilirubin, which is discarded red blood cells. Gallstones range in…

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Methods

Chronic liver disease severity is determined by the liver’s landscape; the more liver cells that are damaged and scarred, the more advanced the liver disease is. Even after an initial diagnosis, the current state of your liver’s tissue is a major factor for predicting prognosis and making ongoing therapeutic decisions. Liver biopsy is the globally…

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Blood tests for liver function

Blood tests for liver function Some of the standard or routine blood tests that your doctor will order to check “liver function” are in reality only able to detect liver damage. These tests may not be sensitive enough to accurately reflect whether your liver is functioning at its optimum level. These tests will usually be…

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What is the Best Form of Magnesium?

What is the Best Form of Magnesium? Magnesium deficiency is widespread and believed to be responsible for many health problems and diseases. Here is why magnesium is so important, ten of the richest food sources and how to choose the best magnesium supplement for improving your health. Are You Low on Magnesium? Magnesium is an…

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