Posts Tagged ‘disease’

Fifteen Ways to Love Your Liver

Love Your Liver 1. Put the six-pack back, Jack (**Don’t stop reading cuz you dont like this one…hehe**) Half of all the alcohol consumed in America is consumed by only ten percent of the population. One in three adult Americans is a heavy drinker, with a sufficient liquor habit to be indistinguishable from an alcoholic.…

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Concerns about Liver Disease

Concerns about Liver Disease Liver failure results in impairment of many functions we take for granted. Liver failure mostly arises slowly, over many years, but its progression is usually unnoticed. It can happen from infections, cancer, alcohol or other toxic substances, and genetic causes. Often, when symptoms first appear, already very little liver function is…

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Can you get Social Security Disability if you've used Alcohol or Drugs?

Social Security Disability Can you get Social Security Disability if you’ve used Alcohol or Drugs? Certainly. It all depends on the extent of the use, as well as its recency. It’s not possible at this point in time to receive social security disability benefits based solely on addiction. But whether such use will affect, or…

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