The History and Primary Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is tricky because most medical doctors in America will tell you that it’s 70 percent genetic, but that’s wrong. You don’t have to go to medical school for 8 to 12 years to understand that toxins we consume not only affect our heart and body, but our brain as well.
And yet, medical doctors wouldn’t make nearly the income they do now if they told you to fix your diet, never drink tap water, boycott foods imported from China, quit taking antacids, avoid metal hip replacements, and quit getting vaccines… now would they?
Do they even know the real deal about “Old timer’s” disease? Maybe all the toxins have them confused also, unable to unravel the cryptographic “code” that we all must figure out before it’s too late.
One thing doctors will admit they “understand” is that people suffering from dementia all have one thing in common: plaque in the tissues of the brain that accumulate between nerve cells (this is why doctors say Alzheimer’s is neuro-degenerative).
These plaque are abnormal clusters of “sticky” chemical proteins that build up over time. Your nerves are literally getting blocked and brain signals (neurons and synapses) can’t travel properly. Still think Alzheimer’s is genetic?
Nobody is born with dementia. No kids have it. No teens. No young adults. This deserves careful consideration and a look into typical toxin consumption habits of Americans, including the TRUE history of this relatively young disease.
Alzheimer’s starts out with short-term memory loss of recent events. Then issues with language and orientation begin to show. Next comes mood swings, lack of motivation, and loss of interest in self hygiene (sometimes including incontinence).
As the cognitive decline worsens, some victims become violent and can’t even recognize their immediate family. Life expectancy once a patient is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is less than a decade.
Chemical medications are known to make things worse and end life sooner.
The medical industrial complex of America tells you that there are no treatments, medications or supplements that “decrease your risk.” That’s a bold-faced lie.
They also say there are “no treatments that can stop or reverse its progression.” Wrong again.
The first question every doctor asks a family who’s loved one begins suffering symptoms is, “Is there a family history of dementia?” This question is to lead you away from addressing toxin consumption as the main cause.
Plaque in the brain comes from long-term consumption of saturated animal fat, heavy metal toxins, and canola oil
If you could prevent Alzheimer’s disease, would you?
Did you know that medical doctors in America know very little about nutrition because it’s not taught in medical schools?
Most people take in up to 200 toxins every day, and that’s not just what you eat, but what you drink, breathe in, put on your skin and hair, and even what gets injected. No medical doctor in America tells their patients to read the vaccine insert and take note that nearly all immunizations, including flu shots, contain aluminum. You can download the insert and dire warnings to any vaccine from VacTruth.com and you can scrub every single ingredient in every single CDC vaccine using this PDF link right now.
Also, you can take aluminum out of your diet by cross-checking everything you consume (that includes what you put on your skin, hair, nails).
Top 6 causes of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other dementia disorders
#1. Saturated Fat – Yes, the same saturated fat that causes heart attacks and strokes can cause dementia. You think only your heart’s blood vessels experience “hardening?” What about the arteries, capillaries and veins in your brain? A stroke is often caused by the exact same condition. Do you still remember how to spell cholesterol? And what’s the main cause of atherosclerosis? Saturated fat deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Only a plant-based diet cures this problem, but 97 percent of Americans fall short of the recommended dietary fiber intake, according to research from the American Society of Nutrition.
#2. Margarine – Margarine contains trans-fats, chemicals and artificial ingredients that increase levels of LDL cholesterol. Plus, margarine coagulates, causing blockages in the blood.
#3. Heavy Metal Toxins (especially aluminum in food, personal care products, vaccines and tap water) – Watch out for all food imported from China, including organic. Check those protein powders, antacids, baked foods, deodorants and antiperspirants, cosmetics, and nearly all vaccines. Get a Big Berkey water filter for your home to filter all heavy metal toxins from your tap water. Other dementia-causing heavy metal toxins include lead, cadmium, mercury, copper and tungsten.
#4. Canola Oil – Canola oil was touted for decades in America as “heart healthy” when in fact the exact opposite is true. A recent study done by researchers at Temple University found out canola oil creates plaque and tangles in the brains of lab animals, causing memory loss. Are you a lab animal? If canola clogs the blood in your brain, it only makes sense that it clogs the vessels in your body too, including the heart. Oops. What a health scam. Canola also causes rapid weight gain – wouldn’t that be because some of it remains in your blood and brain? Quit eating canola oil before serious cognitive impairments kick in and you can’t even read the food labels.
#5. Medications (Prescriptions, statins and over-the-counter drugs) – Watch out for aluminum and other harmful petrochemicals in pharmaceutical medications, vaccines, and even children’s liquid medicines. You can request aluminum-free medications from your doctor, or better yet, visit a Naturopathic physician. It’s a known scientific fact that aluminum poisoning leads to CNS damage, including memory impairments, autism and dementia.
#6. Pesticides – Chemical insecticides, herbicides (think Roundup here), and fertilizers can cause cancer and dementia in all animals. Seek out organic and fresh local produce to mostly avoid these.
Timeline of Alzheimer’s Disease
After a century of Americans consuming toxins, chemicals and saturated fats, it’s simple to recognize, in hindsight, exactly what causes “neurodegenerative” diseases. Since Alzheimer’s barely existed here 100 years ago, we can’t blame the genes of our parents and grandparents. Therefore, when your medical doctor says the word “hereditary” you should immediately get a second opinion from a nutritionist. Here’s the real history.
1906: Dr. Alois Alzheimer runs an autopsy on a female patient who experienced memory loss and paranoia, and found shrinkage in and around her brain’s nerve cells.
1931: Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll invent the high-powered electron microscope scientists then use to study brain cells in great detail.
1968: Researchers use “cognitive measurement scales” to estimate brain tissue damage.
1974: National Institute on Aging (NIA) established to “support” dementia research (This was only 3 years after the fake “War on Cancer” was announced by President Carter).
1983: First “National Alzheimer’s Disease Month” declared.
1984: NIA creates nationwide network and funds centers for “research.”
1993: FDA approves first (of five) useless Alzheimer’s drug called “Cognex.” Side effects ironically include confusion, hallucinations, extreme and sudden changes in behavior, and seizures.
1994: President Reagan announces he has Alzheimer’s.
2003: NIA conducts genetic study to attempt to blame genetics for the disease (so people won’t look into the real causes).
2010: Alzheimer’s climbs in rankings of American killers to sixth place.
2011: President Obama allocates more wasted money for the National Alzheimer’s Project Act.
2013: The United Kingdom launches their search to “find a cure by 2025” after the G8 Dementia Summit. Good luck with all of that.
2018: The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests Alzheimer’s will be a global epidemic and triple in numbers by 2050. Today, over 40 million people suffer from dementia, up nearly 25 percent in the past three years.
Suggestion: Switch to an organic, plant-based diet as soon as possible and look into natural, non-invasive medicine.