Posts Tagged ‘encephalopathy’

Sleep Disturbance in Cirrhosis

Sleep Disturbance in Cirrhosis The present study shows that patients with cirrhosis without evidence of hepatic encephalopathy and who were evaluated while performing their daily routines have abnormalities in the quality of sleep. Nearly one half of patients attending a Liver Clinic complained of unsatisfactory sleep, a frequency slightly greater than that previously reported with…

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Sleep disorders linked to Melatonin Part 1

Sleep disorders linked to Melatonin Part 1 Doron Garfinkel, MD, and Nava Zisapel, PhD 15 July 1996 | Volume 125 Issue 2 | Page 154 TO THE EDITOR: We read with interest the article by Steindl and colleagues 1. The authors thoroughly assessed 24-hour plasma melatonin levels and showed that significantly higher levels persisted throughout…

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