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Exercise beneficial in decreasing fatty liver development
Exercise beneficial in decreasing fatty liver development Varying levels of physical activity decreased the risk for developing new fatty liver and assisted in resolution of existing fatty liver within 5 years of follow up. “In short duration studies, lifestyle changes that have focused on diet and exercise modification have shown promise in decreasing liver fat…
Read MoreA brisk walk is just as good as a jog when it comes to fighting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Moderate and vigorous exercise have comparable effects on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Date: July 6, 2016 Source: Tulane University Summary: A brisk walk is just as good as a jog when it comes to fighting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, researchers finds. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease…
Read MoreTurmeric for Hepatitis C, Liver Disease and Beyond
The foods you choose to consume can benefit a liver with Hepatitis C – or it can be harmful. Living with the Hepatitis C virus, or any type of chronic liver disease, is a constant reminder of this fact. The more educated we become on which foods are the most beneficial to the liver, the…
Read MoreFDA approves first pill to treat all forms of hepatitis C
Federal health officials on Tuesday approved the first pill to treat all major forms of hepatitis C, the latest in a series of drug approvals that have reshaped treatment of the liver-destroying virus. The Food and Drug Administration approved the combination pill, Epclusa, from Gilead Sciences, for patients with and without liver damage. The new…
Read MoreCan Diabetes Cause Cirrhosis?
Can Diabetes Cause Complications to the Liver and Kidneys written by: DulceCorazon • edited by: Diana Cooper • updated: 8/23/2010 Can diabetes cause liver and kidney issues? Uncontrolled diabetes is known to cause diabetic nephropathy. But liver disease? Find out. Overview Can diabetes cause liver and kidney issues? This is a common question among diabetics.…
Read MoreNow There Are Many (Stages)
Now There Are Many (Stages) Where Before There Was One: In Search of a Pathophysiological Classification of Cirrhosis Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao,1 Scott Friedman,2 John Iredale,3 and Massimo Pinzani4 For more than a century and a half, the description of a liver as “cirrhotic” was sufficient to connote both a pathological and clinical status, and to assign…
Read MoreHow coffee could be your liver's savior
How coffee could be your liver’s savior: Drink shown to protect against a host of deadly diseases Drink may protect against certain cancers that affect the womb and liver World Health Organisation says no link between coffee and bladder cancer New research concludes that coffee protects against fatty liver disease, liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis…
Read MoreFederal Standard May Be Thwarting Some Liver Transplant Patients
Federal Standard May Be Thwarting Some Liver Transplant Patients By EDITOR • JUN 7, 2016 Did revised federal standards make transplant centers more averse to risk and encourage them to drop sicker patients who might affect the hospitals’ patient survival rates? Originally published on June 9, 2016 4:47 pm For the roughly 15,000 people who…
Read MoreChanges to MELD score to include serum sodium
(Confusing at first glance but the numbers in the squares show how much your current meld score will go up dependent upon your serum sodium value.) Effective Date Jan 11 2016 NOV 16, 2015 | LIVER/INTESTINE, TRANSPLANT CENTER New Resources Available for Liver Transplant Programs On January 11, 2016, OPTN Policy 9.1 (MELD Score) will…
Read MoreFDA Clears Obeticholic Acid for Primary Biliary Cholangitis
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted accelerated approval of obeticholic acid (Ocaliva, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc) for the treatment of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) in combination with ursodeoxycholic (UDCA) in adults who fail to respond adequately to UDCA, or as monotherapy in adults who cannot tolerate UDCA. Last month, the FDA’s Gastrointestinal Drugs…
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