Unacceptable Behaviour with Alcohol-related liver disease patients:
Unacceptable Behaviour with Alcohol-related liver disease patients:
The National Confidential Enquiry Into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) has carried out a review and has uncovered sad picture of activities taking place in health service.
The report unveiled that hospitals have not been treating alcohol-related liver disease patients. There are a number of things that have been noticed while carrying out the review.
One of the greatest problems is staff shortage. Not only this, it has been found that alcohol-related liver disease patients are not screened properly. Therefore, there have been deaths that could have been avoided.
In order to reach at the above given result, hundreds of NHS cases have been assessed. Bertie Leigh, Chairman of NCEPOD, said that just because these people are consuming alcohol, health staff does not get the right to treat them improperly.
“It is hard to avoid a feeling that these people are failed all the way through their care pathway, and that there were too many missed opportunities”, said Leigh.
Leigh said while reviewing the data, they have even come across cases, where patients have been looked after by such doctors who do not have knowledge about patient’s disease. Moreover, patients are not even handed over to doctors who have knowledge about the case.
Source: http://topnews.us/content/255483-unacceptable-behaviour-alcohol-related-liver-disease-patients-report