Binge drinking doubles liver disease among Irish youth

by Annalisa Lista – 04.24.2013 | Comments | Print |


Since binge drinking and related diseases have increased over the past 5 years in Ireland, the RCPI Policy Group on Alcohol have listed a series of recommendations in order to reduce this phenomenon. According to data released, alcohol consumption is especially popular among people aged 18-29, and the most chronic alcohol-related conditions are liver diseases and chirrosis, whose cases have doubled from 1997 to 2008.

In the isle, the rate of discharges for Alcohol Liver Disease increased by 247% for 15-34 year olds, and by 224% for 35-49 year olds between 1995 and 2007, while in 2008 there were an estimated 88 deaths per month attributable to alcohol and about 2,000 beds occupied each night in hospitals. Such a dramatic scenario has pushed the Department of Health to make some recommendations.

The main include:

1) the introduction of minimum pricing to prevent the sale of cheap alcohol;

2) the availability of alcohol to be reduced;

3) the end of alcohol sponsorship of sport events and organizations.


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